He knows what's best

One day in teletubby land, a man called J. Savile showed up and stole a boy.
The boy woke up in an abandoned factory strapped to a rusty metal table and saw a pair of thugs watching over him, they looked menacing. One of them wielded a hook and was licking his lips, the other one wore a clown mask and held a saddle.
Suddenly, the room turned black as all of the lights went off, it was illuminated suddenly by the flash of a television turning on. On the television was Michael Jackson explaining life.
The boy listened, hoping to find an answer.
But the video went on for hours on end, the boy soon felt he was struck by something blunt and he fell unconscious.
When he awoke, he was still on the table and the thug with the clown mask and saddle was removing the boy's clothes, he unstrapped him and placed the saddle on his back, the thug with the hook spoke in a Scottish accent,
"Do what he says laddie, he knows what's best..."
Suddenly, J. Savile entered. He was wearing a tight leather outfit and wore red glasses, he smoked a cigar and had a bandolier of small eels. He sat on the saddle on the boy's back and began to strike him with one of the many, many eels.
The boy ran as fast as he could on all fours as J. kept beating him, he ran into the open area of the factory, the floor was littered with sludge, sweet, sweet sludge.
After multiple days of this punishment, he found himself strapped to the table again, the thug that bore the hook used it to tear him in half.
Le End